Comments Policy and FAQ

Comments Policy and FAQ

Why do you moderate comments?

1. Because I can. Tehehe, no really, I like to keep this a happy holy friendly place, and not all comments that come through are happy holy and friendly! If I can prevent scandal by zap-frying nasty comments before they go public, why not?

2. So I can reply to each comment. If you take the time to leave a friendly, thoughtful comment, I like to reply! I truly appreciate your notes.

3. No Captchas. If I moderate the comments, it means you don't have to fill out one of those little anti-spam tools that makes you type the letters to verify you're a human being (case sensitive):

What do you moderate? 

1. Name calling, rudeness, foul language, or ill-tempered comments. Before hitting "submit," please ask yourself if your comment is uplifting or not. If in doubt, do without.

2. Any reference to my real name or location. If you know me in real life, thanks for reading and commenting! But please remember, my husband and I want to keep this place pretty anonymous, so please refrain from using my name or any references to where we live in the comments. 

It's been a few hours and you didn't approve my comment, did you get it? 

Most likely, yes I did. Sometimes life or technology interferes with my internet usage and I don't respond right away. But I generally approve all comments within 48 hours, and most often much sooner.

How do I get my name to link to my blog in the comments?

In the little pop-up box that asks for your name/e-mail, click "link to your website" at the bottom, then enter your blog's link.


What kind of camera do you use?

A Konica Minolta Maxxum 5D Digital SLR. I got it for less than a point and shoot on Craigslist.

For those who can decipher camera-speak, it came with a Sony F4.5-5.6/75-300 and a Konica Minolta AF DT 18-70. I like and use both lenses.

The #1 Most Frequently Asked Question:

When are you going to publish the next part of the Love Story??!?!!!??!!

Uum... I plead the fifth!