It was the first bag of candy I've ever bought in my whole life.

I've bought some candy bars in my lifetime, but never a whole bag of it. It seemed so indulgent! "It's for the kids," I reminded myself.
When my husband got home his eyes widened to saucers. "Where did this come from?"
"I bought it."
"Yes, but it's not for us, it's for the Trick-or-Treaters."
His eyes pouted slightly, but he seemed resigned.
I relented. "Well, I guess we could have a piece or two."
"Just to see if it's any good, right?" he reasoned, thoughtfully.
Wrappers flew. Our candy gorging knew no restraint.
We turned off the front porch light before a single Trick-or-Treater came by.
Yes, dear readers, the stash was gone.
To stave off a repeat performance, this year I'm vacillating between buying either two bags or none at all.
What do you hand out for Halloween?
Our dentist gives out travel tooth brushes and paste.
I buy candy that I don't like (it helps that I don't like the typical Milky way stuff)
LOL! That is too funny!
This year, I bought super miniature organic chocolates that are less than bite sized. Once I reached my max budget on that, I found a bag of a mixture of mini candy bars on sale half price.
I usually make myself not eat any until we are at least half through giving out candy since we typically hand out candy to about 100 kids. :)
I suppose I could buy those awful orange and brown taffy things... and then nobody would ever Trick-or-Treat here again :-D.
Whoa, you live in a happenin' place! On a good night we'd probably see a dozen or two kids (that is, if we left the front porch light on, hehe).
The *joys* of living downtown of your city! Lots of trick or treating without having to cover much ground.
My husband has a tradition of keeping record of costumes he sees every year. He asks every kid who comes to the door what they are supposed to be. Makes for an interesting survey on figuring out what is the most popular costume for that year!
I think I bought 4 small-ish bags last year and we ran out of candy in 10 minutes. I literally gave a couple kids sugar packets and granola bars. But this year I got four BIG bags and I have absolutely no hope for leftovers. Which is fine because the last thing I need is more chocolate on my hips. ;)
Usually just the typical mixed bag sort of thing. Then we eat the leftovers. And a good bit of our kids' candy, too. What??? They are young...
I predict a bunch of Iron Mans and Batmans (Iron Men and Batmen? hehe). I don't even know what the girls are into these days.
Oh my gosh that's hilarious! I can just imagine the look on the kids' faces who got sugar packets (and on their mom's faces, hehe). That's rich.
Yeah, I actually don't want leftovers this year. I'm determined to wear a nice new sweater on Thanksgiving that doesn't look like a tent :).
Hehehe, that's awesome. When we were young, my parents would allow us to have our "own" candy stash on Halloween night, but the day after it went into the family pile (when we got a bit older, the day after it would be donated somewhere). I have a tendency to hoard, so I could easily make my Halloween candy last a year, but once it went into the family pile I had to say goodbye :-D.
I bought two huge bags of lollipops because I knew I could use them as chore-bribery *cough* I mean rewards if I didn't pass all of them out. I did save some to help persuade a certain daughter to grow out of diapers. I also bought a bag of assorted chocolates to add variety but it is uncertain just how much variety was added because I forgot just how much I could be addicted to Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. Oh my....
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups (the pumpkins) contain more sugar than any of the other leading Halloween candy brands... and are by far my favorite :). (Incentives aren't bribing, right??)
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