1. In the last 72 hours, I've earned about the equivalent of a minor in both Real Estate and Accounting (from the University of Google). I've been trying, furiously, to figure out how we could a) qualify for and b) afford the mortgage on our little dream house. After calculating, recalculating, fudging, figuring, and finagling, I think we might be able to do it. Maybe.
2. We only have four more days of the month, and I think we can finish it without another trip to the grocery. This is a success because we've got 30% of our grocery budget left to spend for the month. It would be nice to put that into savings.
3. ♪♫ Three dead mice, three dead mice, see how they lie, see how they lie... they all ran after the Farmer's Wife, she set out the traps which was extra nice, did you ever see such a sight in your life as three dead mice? ♪♫
Three down, who knows how many to go. We've been praying for the pitter patter of little feet, but not that kind! I haven't heard any today; I hope the infestation is over and the mice have called a truce. I've got more peanut butter traps if they want to keep this war going, though.
Read others' small successes and share your own at Faith & Family Live.
You need a good mouser! Keep us posted on the house! Oh, and how's the next installment of the love story??? muahhaaaaa
I love your song:) Great week!
Mortgages! I dread dealing with mortgages. Unfortunately, we still have one in NC so we haven't even attempted to finagle one here in IL. Good luck - hope your dream house becomes a reality soon!
You are so funny!
Good luck with the mortgage. That will be wonderful!
My husband bought electric mice traps and we had the duct to our dryer blocked off. We're free of the little varments!
Yay! I have been hoping that you are able to get your house - it does sound like a dream house! :-). I also know how you feel about the mice. When I was growing up the only time I ever heard my mother scream was when there was a mouse in the house. After I was older they moved to the deserts of West Texas where they have kangaroo mice. It was all over for her when that thing didn't run away from her but stood up and hissed! Haha!
I plead the fifth ;).
Thanks Kristi :)
I dread dealing with mortgages too :-D.
Hope you can sell your NC house soon!
LOL, thanks Mary! I hope it all eventually goes through :).
Interesting! I'm not particularly fond of the old mouse trap style (I wanted a mouse motel, but they're expensive, and then where do you release the things? neighbors' yards? hehe) but I didn't know they made electric ones.
We're about the try to dryer sheet trick. Hope it works.
Thank you, Amanda! :)
LOL! My husband and I laughed out loud at the hissing mouse story. Only in Texas :-D.
I plead the fifth ;).
Thanks Kristi :)
I dread dealing with mortgages too :-D.
Hope you can sell your NC house soon!
LOL, thanks Mary! I hope it all eventually goes through :).
Interesting! I'm not particularly fond of the old mouse trap style (I wanted a
mouse motel, but they're expensive, and then where do you release the things?
neighbors' yards? hehe) but I didn't know they made electric ones.
We're about the try to dryer sheet trick. Hope it works.
Just had to share some new versions of the song "Three Blind Mice" My 3rd graders are learning how to play the song on their recorders.
LOL, Barb!!! The agriculturist's significant other, eh? hehehe That's awesome. Thanks for sharing!
LOL, Barb!!! The agriculturist's significant other, eh? hehehe That's awesome.
Thanks for sharing!
Why didn't you cut off their tails with a carving knife? You have full rights according to the old lyrics.
Ah! Why in bazookie's name would I want to poison my beautiful knives with the grodiness of those vermin?? Blah! I couldn't bring myself to look at the... um... used traps. *shudder*
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