Monday, August 17, 2009

Smokey Joe

My husband and I have been waffling for months about buying a bbq grill. Gas or charcoal? Each has major benefits. Charcoal, obviously, tastes a lot better. But if you're never going to do it because of the hassle of cleaning it and starting the briquettes, what's the point of having it? Gas doesn't taste as good, but it's easy and quick.

Then there's the terror of, "if I buy it this week, it'll go on sale next week!" Grills aren't cheap.

Well, in an uncommon burst of decisiveness and conviction, my dearest husband said, "Let's go to the store right now, and let's buy a grill... just a tabletop something or other so we can grill some ribs."

What a brilliant stroke of genius.

We bought a Weber Smokey Joe tabletop charcoal grill for $27. And we made ribs, and steaks.

And we went through 1/2 a roll of paper towels getting the sticky goodness off our fingers.


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