2. I froze 3 gallon bags of peaches and made several pints of peach butter. I thought I could never get my fill of peaches, but...
3. In just 10 days I've earned $5 on Sidetick and actually cashed in my first $5 Amazon gift card from Swagbucks. At this rate, I should be enjoying my dream flour mill by May 7th, 2011. Not bad for a few minutes a day. Check out the guides on the right sidebar if you're interested.
4. Bonus success for my husband: He figured out that lemon seeds were clogging the little sprayers in our dishwasher. Maybe we won't need a new dishwasher after all!
Check out others' successes and share your own at Faith & Family Live.
Hooray on the tortillas! Can you send some my way?
OK...LOVE #1 and I cannot wait for you to blog about it. I have tried to do these at home with absolutely no luck. I look forward to trying yours.
Have a fabulous week!!
Would LOVE to try your tortilla recipe! I'll be watching for it!
#1 Too cool! #2 How awesome is it to be able to preserve some of the harvest!! #3 Haven't checked this out yet, but you are continuing to tweak my curiosity. #4 Gotta LOVE it when the husband is so handy it saves you lots of money!!
You had a very good week!
can't wait for the tortilla recipe! I have one that I use from time to time that is pretty good, but I am anxious to try yours now =)
I'll be keeping my eye out for your tortilla recipe. We use them a bunch around here. And I LOVE peaches! Great job this week!
#1 - You better!! I've been afraid of even trying homemade tortillas. Can't wait for my first try!
I NEED that tortilla recipe!!! I haven't had the guts to cook with Crisco shortening, but if your recipe calls for it and you stand by it, I'll try it out!!
I thought your swagbucks and sidetick earnings were going towards a gift for your hubby... ;)
ooo so excited for the tortilla recipe! Do you need a special tortilla press or anything fancy like that?
Everybody: thanks for your kind comments.
Lindsey: lol, they were until I found a stash of cash hidden so well I'd forgotten I had it, hehehe.
Erika Marie: No, and that's the beauty of it. You do need a rolling pin, but more on that later...
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