At Faith and Family Live they do "Small Successes" on Thursdays to help us stay encouraged by the little accomplishments of the week. Yay for encouragement :).
1. I got over my paranoia of Customer Service reps and called my bank, successfully getting all $96 of the accidental overdraft fees refunded.
2. I cleaned all the "junk traps" in the living room and kitchen. Now, what you see is what you get -- no hidden junk drawers, piles or stashes (except in the bedroom and garage, of course). A place for everything and everything in its place :).
3. Trying not to let old talents die from lack of use, I bought some Beethoven sheet music this week and have been practicing the hauntingly beautiful Moonlight Sonata.
Check out other successes and share your own.
Nice work on #1!!!! I have to do something similar today....
I hate calling companies! (Actually, I'm not a big phone person at all; thank goodness for email.)
I'm sorry I'm late reading this. It's been one of those "sick kid" weeks. Thanks for uplifting me with your wonderful words and glimpse into your special family! Blessings!
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