1. My sister-in-law is getting married tomorrow. She was one of my good friends in college and became one of my dearest friends after we graduated. Then I married her brother and we became family. Now she's moving to Colorado. It's pretty difficult, actually, and my coping mechanism is "just don't think about it." I was coping quite well until I wrote this paragraph.
2. My darling sweet dearest husband's birthday is Sunday!! True to my style I've been thinking about it for three months but have not actually done or bought anything. All he's requested is a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake. I think I can handle that.
3. It's Friday, the wedding is Saturday, we've just started a budget, and both my husband and I realized we've got nothing suitable to wear. My darling doesn't own a suit and all of my formal clothes are winter clothes (projected high tomorrow is 101°). We could always borrow, but he's tall and I'm stout and none of our close-enough-to-ask-to-borrow-clothes-acquaintances match our body types. Why did we just think of this?
4. We got a vet bill in the mail yesterday for a Jersey bull. Uum... we don't own a bull. We do, however, have a Jersey cow who is almost a month overdue and refuses to calve. Yes, I'm am city girl, but I don't think I was hoodwinked into buying a pregnant bull. I called the vet and they got it straightened out, but not before I seriously pondered for a few seconds if that's why she's not calving.
5. I used some basil from our garden to make fresh basil pasta. It was a little gummy going through the pasta rollers, but it was quite tasty! On another night I made grilled chili lime corn (you peel the husk back, discard the silk, slather the spices on it, close it back up in the husk and grill it). It was every bit as good as I had hoped it would be.
6. With a lot of my bloggy friends beginning to knit and crochet Christmas gifts, I've started getting the bug myself. To knit or crochet? No, not quite. But the idea struck me to begin making cherry liqueur or cherry cordial. If I started now it would probably be done around Christmas time.
7. In honor of my new budget, I've got a freebie for you (which you can totally ignore the political message and the donation page if you want). Get a free "Sick of Spending" t-shirt.
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In response to your clothing problem: hit a thrift shop or two before you go buy an expensive suit or dress. Wouldn't you hate to shell out all that money when there was a cheaper one that you could get for the same quality? Just a thought. I realize it may be a little late for that now, but just a thought.
Your pasta sounds yummy!! Seriously, you inspire me to want to make more homemade things. With that said, I'm going to finish eating my ramen. *sigh* (In my defense, it's really old ramen from when John was in grad school, and I thought maybe we should eat it up so to not waste food...still, homemade pasta sounds so much better!! I should make some and freeze it....mmm...belly's a-growling!)
Where you able to find outfits for the wedding?
I just had to tell you your comment on the vet bill had me, literally, laughing out loud.
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