Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blogging Plans for 2011

Good morning, good people! Happy New Year!!

I'm still enjoying the utterly good life, lounging around with my family. But I've lost three followers in this little blogging hiatus of mine, so here I am, stealing precious time from my family I only get to see once a year so I can retain some modicum of online popularity. I hope you're thoroughly guilted now. Fame is a fickle mistress.

I have some huge plans for City Wife, Country Life this year! I've got a new series of posts planned for Fridays, beginning January 14th. The loose monthly themes (to be adjusted mercilessly throughout the year based upon time, interest, feasibility, or whims):

January: My First Adventures in Kefir (Water and Dairy)
February: Sprouting and Soaking (Beans, Seeds, Nuts, Grains)
March: Homemade Cleaners and Products (Detergents, Deodorant, Shampoo)
April: Baking (Yeasted Breads, Sourdough, Sprouted Grains)
May: Homemade Dairy (Ice Cream, Butter, Yogurt, Cheese)
June: Preserving (Canning, Freezing, Lacto-Fermenting)
July: Chickens (Getting Started, Care, Costs, What to do with the EGGS)
August: Preserving (Pickling, Jams, Fruit Butters)
September: Snack Foods (Crackers, Granola Bars, Jerky!!)
October: All About Apples (One of God's most perfect foods)
November: Sausage, Lard, and Tallow
December: Candy Making (Truffles, Caramels, Toffee)

Also planned: Giveaways, vlogging (video blogging), guest posts, and of course, more recipes, photos, and stories about life and marriage.

If you have any suggestions or requests for the above monthly themes (or see something that is of absolutely no interest), please feel free to post them in the comments.

Don't forget, we celebrate the Christmas season until this Sunday. Merry Christmas!

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